I'm sure, if you have had your ear to the media...your are aware of the sad state our Great Nation has arrived at. The galactic Poo Slinging is not something to be proud of, contrary to what some would have you believe.
I think we owe those that are courageous enough to present their eloquent minds and ideas to the American People in hopes that we will hand them the reigns...so to...speak.
I would like you to take a moment and consider the hearts and minds of our candidates and come to a conclusion(!) on who you wish to take over.
As you also may know, I joined the air force, and so...the idea of not having to consider right and wrong...and to rest in the comforting (if not slightly beepy) embrace of the Hive mind is alright.
Of course, the back-stabbing uber-strange warrior kind may find the other race a decent career ladder.
Lest we forget how truly fortunate we are...
We might have gotten stuck with this.....