Monday, November 23, 2009

Ache in the wondering-want heart.

In 1909, Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, of Endurance fame, left two cases of Scotch under the floor boards of one of his base camp shacks.

In 2006 these cases were discovered, frozen solid into the the ice and snow.

Currently, the company who originally crafted the Scotch is trying to get rights to retrieve several of the bottles, take samples, and recreate the Scotch that never got to keep Shackleton and his men in good (if not ill placed) cheer. How wonderful is this?


EmJ said...

If it's not to expensive, I'll try to get you a bottle...but you might have to settle for the recreated one :)

Anonymous said...

You are my very strange son.

Pater Familias said...

Quiet frozen scotch beneath the ice, all those years, while we were living life. A sobering thought indeed.

DonutMath said...

I've never enjoyed Scotch, but I've also never had expensive Scotch.

Anonymous said...

My blog is back read it.