Philosophical Skepticism teaches us that we can be sure of nothing. Not even that. But my human experience has led me to rest on one surety; Truth. Behind everything there seems to be a root Truth. Everything depends on it. Take any thought experiment, or experiment experiment back far enough and we shall find Truth. But perhaps it's more like infinity; we can never reach it, but we can get closer.
The error that so many ex-Christians make, so many militant atheists, is that because it "seems" wrong, or because they don't "like" it, or because "that G-d is an asshole", they simply write it off. But they forget about Truth. Regardless of our thoughts on the matter, "the Truth is out there." We are foolish who do the calculations, and proclaim the sum to be “unreasonable, and therefore false.” Truth is belligerent. It does not rely on our belief. It Is (I Am). Even if our understanding of it evolves, and will never hit it exactly center, shouldn't we endeavour to run towards it? To wrestle with it? To shake our fists at it?
Often times the compulsion for me probably comes from sheer stubbornness. I am given little proof, or rather, I am aware of little proof, to persist in my belief.
On my morning walk I was moving through this. It occurred to me that the desire to doubt fully, to question to a conclusion, seemed to come from "somewhere". And for this morning, that was the voice of G-d. Even taunting me "Seek and ye shall find." I don't depend so much on the promises of finding something anymore. I breathe only for the seeking.
There is a Truth, and how ever terrifying It may be, I choose to run towards It.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner.