Friday, February 22, 2008

Beef Recall

Ok. I PROMISE not to become a "crazy" animal rights guy.

However, in light of my previous post on my new ideas on food, I find it interesting that the largest beef recall in US history has just taken place.

The recall of 143 million pounds of beef was not prompted by tainted meat making people sick (as most meat recalls are), but rather by a video that the Humane Society recently made available.


Anonymous said...

The treatment of animals in this country is horrific, and has been for many years. Buying locally is a good alternative. PLEASE do be careful about supporting animal rights groups. They have a huge political agenda that goes far beyond making sure animals are treated well, in fact, PETA for example, has been known to do inhumane things to support their side.

Anonymous said...

Sorry hit the button accidentally. That was me above.

Nathanaelbendavid said...

Yes, I'm not going to be "supporting" any organizations, I am just taking it upon myself to know more about the food I eat. In my heart, there certainly are more important things to spend my life doing than trying to save animals, but as long as I choose to take part in their lives (and death as food) I want to try to be responsible.

Amy said...

I actually saw the recall the day you posted your original thread.

Anonymous said...

I actually feel physically ill...


I heard about it on the radio and I was upset enough... now I just want to burst into tears.

That little girl animal-lover inside of me is quite emotional...