Wednesday, February 6, 2008


If it really ends up being between Clinton and McCain....

We will not be staying in Tennessee.
We will not be moving to Ohio.
Or South Carolina.

We will be moving to Norway...where they have abundant geothermal energy and free college.

Wait a minute...why are we staying?


Amy said...

lol - yeah not my favorite choices either - but you HAVE to move to Ohio!

Ren-Bot said...

it MUST be obama. we love obama. anyway, i just got a new job at a place called mwl financial services. they lease and finance cars and equipment to rich people. i'm just an assistant but it's a pretty good job so far. hope all is well and YES you better move back to ohio! We've been excited for months now.

EmJ said...

Norway? No one said anything to me about Norway...

However tis true...if Clinton (or any female for that matter) becomes president, we WILL be leaving the USA. My thoughts were go to Italy since we have family there...or Canada. Italy seems that it would be more fun.

And would have a free place to stay and only need airfare!

What do you think hubby?

Anonymous said...

oh dear.
don't out Clinton and Obama as running mates - ie: president is a female, vice president is possibly the antichrist... bwaha...

And mom just did some DNA thing and found out that we're actually descended from people in Finland... probably vikings.

I've always like Norway, but I think Finland would feel more like home to our innards.


Anonymous said...

If I recall corectly, they also have some fantastic perks for families...

Can we come too?

Nathanaelbendavid said...

Alright folks, I've just started work on a long boat...should be finished in seven seasons... You will all have to supply your own weapons...and I think it goes without saying...beards will be required of the men.